The following report presents the results of the final evaluation performed to assess the Stand Up Participate (SUP) program lead by Asian Media Access (AMA). Initially, we explain the program context considering racial breakdown in the corresponding sites. We then explain the SUP program’s intended outcomes, our evaluation methods, and project results. Lastly, we will discuss the dissemination plan and the lessons that were learned through collected qualitative data, following up with recommendations based on the results of our assessment, and a sustainability plan to aid in towards continuing the work of SUP. 

The SUP program was conducted in North Minneapolis, Brooklyn Park, and Brooklyn Center based on demographic characteristics, educational disparities and criminality rates. In these areas, there is a large representation of minority groups – populations of color comprise nearly 50% of the populations. These locations have educational disparities by race that are evident when looking at the educational attainment and the Minnesota Report Card (MRC) results segregated in different racial minority groups. In regards to criminality, the sites chosen for the SUP program have crime rates that exceed the state ones considerably. Additionally, it was determined that victims and offenders of homicide in Minnesota are very young, which highlights the importance of working with youth. 

The intended outcomes for the SUP program was to form a network where various community organizations and stakeholders could create strong partnerships to collaborate, communicate, exchange resources and knowledge to better assist minority communities, even after the grant period. Next, SUP created a program to support minority youth in building skills, and bridging communication between parents, staff, and community members. Another activity that the SUP focused on was building relationships between the community and law enforcement agencies to reduce youth violence and crime, and create a mutual understanding of community residents and law enforcement officers.