The Austin Area Minority Business Project (AAMBP) is a program funded by Bank of America to stimulate entrepreneurship and economic vitality in Austin, MN by reducing legal barriers in immigrant status and business. In doing so, it improves local economic development, empowers underrepresented community members, improves accessibility to social services, and increases civic engagement. 

The program is currently being implemented by Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM), Development Corporation Of Austin (DCA), and the pro bono team of Ballard Spahr1 . ILCM assists immigrants by improving or acquiring legal status for individuals and families, DCA supports community and economic development through immigrant business services, addressing common owner and employee issues, and Ballard Spahr provides comprehensive pro bono legal services2 . For the first semester of the program, Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC) provided the services that are now offered by DCA.