Census 2020

Latinos/as, have historically been significantly undercounted in the Census. This causes their communities to not receive the resources and representation that they need and deserve, which feeds into a vicious cycle of poverty and underrepresentation, making it even harder for them to be counted. Research has shown that Latinos/as are more likely to respond to the census if they hear about its importance from a Latino/Hispanic community organization. At HACER, we are working to serve as a trusted source of census information and assistance in order to elevate the voices of Latino communities.  The past few months, HACER has been working hard to inform Latinos/as about the census and have been able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. We’ve become well known in the Twin Cities area for this work on the census and have received several requests to participate in interviews and give more information on the topic. We have many connections in the area with organizations who can collaborate with us on census outreach. Our staff is highly knowledgeable about the census and is able to give census information and assistance in both English and Spanish.