This report is a joint effort between Waite House and HACER and consists of a summary of a study on the issues that interest and concern the Latino and Chicano communities in Minnesota. This research provides real data from a survey of 123 respondents regarding Latino health issues, education, drivers’ licenses, immigration reform and housing. We present an overview of the results of the interviews, the study process, brief overview of the methodology, and the key findings and conclusions. 


Methods The questionnaire was designed to collect information about five main themes to affect the quality of life of the Latino community in Minnesota. The main themes included housing, health, immigration reform, education and driver’s licenses. The survey included fourteen questions and was conducted on December 2014 within the building where Waite House offers services to people. The questionnaire is attached to this report as Appendix. HACER staff assisted in the questionnaire development, planning and data recompilation. Waite House staff collected data in face-to-face interactions with people who receive services at its location in Minneapolis. Participants were asked to provide demographic data before answering the following questions related to the issues mentioned above. This information allowed us to identify basic characteristics of participants. All respondents were onsite at Waite House, and a majority of them said that they live in Minneapolis. Responses to the questionnaires were coded and the information obtained was analyzed, identifying what might be the most important characteristics of those who participated and how their ideas were expressed. Tables and figures provide a summary report of the responses obtained from 123 respondents. Some might have chosen not to answer a question. Questions were made with a multiple choice format.