This report evaluates the ongoing process of the SUP program during the first year (September, 2014- August, 2015). SUP’s target areas include: Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, and North Minneapolis. All of them have higher than average violence crime rate and homicide rate, which correlates with high percentage of minority families and poverty rate in those areas. Such living environment affects youth’s safety and health, as well as their behavior and performance. Therefore, the discussion will evince the necessity of the program, and its goal of effectively integrating public health and community law enforcement, in order to reduce racial disparities that prevail throughout the community. SUP program combines internal and external evaluation resources. Monitoring and Evaluation has been continuously conducted throughout, and HACER is engaged as external evaluation consultant to guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency of the process. 

Asian Media Access (AMA), with ten key partners and twenty-nine community partners, has attained achievement in six domains, which will be included into discussion: the enhancement of coordination, collaboration, and linkages among stakeholders; the improvement in academic outcome of youth participants; reduction in negative encounters with law enforcement; increment in access towards needed public health and/or social services; making impact in community violent crimes perpetrated by minority youth; and great efforts paid in reducing violence against minority youth. Of course, there are still some issues need to be paid attention to in following two years, in order to take a larger step towards the goal that was expected from AMA and all stakeholders. HACER will work with AMA to upgrade those data collection methodologies (such as surveys, interviews, observations, etc.) thus reducing data bias and more accurately measure the outcomes and performance of youth participants.